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Cat’s eye also known as Lehsuniya is the gemstone of Planet Ketu. The factor which makes the Catseye gemstone an exceptional gemstone is its vital affliction with a vindictive planet of the solar system the Ketu which denotes the south node of the moon. The planet Ketu is recognized to hold karmic powers thus, this planet affects the lives of all individuals either positively or negatively as per their continuation or behavior in the horoscope of a person.

Color     Beige yellow, brown, brown like honey, green like apple

Metal   Gold or silver.

Finger  Ring finger of the working hand

Day Tuesday

Mantras OM KETAVE NAMAH. ॐ कें केतवे नमः|. (108 times)

Birthstone to Zodiac Sign- Scorpio (वॄश्चिक )

Catseye Lehsuniya is a gemstone for Ketu gives spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and non-attachment to worldly passions and objectives. Ketu is also a half-planet that presents stability, powers of discrimination, and spiritual experience. It gives mental capabilities to its wearer and makes them masters of the remedial techniques, natural healing, healing herbs, spices, foods, tantric healing, healing persons affected by evil souls and spirits. Ketu's sign is Pisces as Rahu's is Virgo. The symbol Pisces belongs to the guru, Jupiter, and Ketu also has dominion over it.

Cats Eye Benefits

  • Cats Eye gemstone profits most during the malefic phase of Ketu.
  • Catseye gemstone affects the health status of its wearer positively. It is believed that sudden health-related traumas expecting critical surgeries are often created due to the malefic influences of Ketu and wearing cat eye stone advantages in canceling the adverse consequences of Ketu.
  • Wearing Cats Eye increases revenue and increases their economic positions.
  • Cats Eye gemstone helps the business or the professional life of its wearer. It is known to strengthen weakening Businesses or financial enterprises.
  • Catseye shields its wearer from road accidents, the envy of their enemies, debts, poverty, and other such diabolical conditions.
  • Ketu is considered a spiritual and religious planet. Wearing a cat’s eye gemstone benefits a person who appears detached from worldly passions.

Natural Catseye (Lehsuniya)Visit Himalaya Rudraksh Anusandhan Kendra

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  • 21 carat cate eye stone KO price?

    Dipa on
  • Namskar , I want 9 carat golden cats eye origan with certificate

    Rakesh on
  • Hi

    Pabana on
  • Hello Namaskar ji. I want a cats eye about 10 carats. It should be Original. Please reply

    Dr.Sathya Moorthy on
  • Plse my order details or dt 2.6.2021


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