Posted by himalaya rudraksh on

Pearl (Moti) मोती is a unique, white to a bluish-grey colored, valuable gemstone that originated inside the shell of a living organism called Mollusc such as Pearl oyster and mussel. This gemstone holds strong importance in Vedic astrology and is worn to pacify the planet Moon in the wearer birth chart. Pearl (Moti) is a suggested birthstone for those born in June. Color White Metal Silver Finger The little finger of the working hand. Day & Time Monday, early morning between 5-7 am. Mantras 'Om Son Sonmay Namaha’, ॐ सों सोमाय नमः । (108 times) Birthstone to Zodiac Sign Cancer (कर्क) , Pearl (Moti) मोती gem holds a strong reputation for its high...
- Tags: moti, pearl, मोती