Natural Sphatik Shivlingam
Natural Sphatik Shivlingam
Weight - 20.35 Gms
Height - 1.2''
Material - Original Quartz Stone
ABOUT: This Sphatik Shivling, representing Lord Shiva, is made from clear quartz crystal.
Benefits :
- Purity and Harmony: Sphatik, considered pure and sacred, cleanses negativity and promotes harmonious energy flow.
- Concentration and Calmness: The crystal's clarity aids focus and meditation, fostering inner peace and clarity.
- Spiritual Growth: Worshipping Lord Shiva through the Sphatik Shivling is believed to promote spiritual progress and connection.
- Puja Room: Establish a dedicated space for worship, cleansing, and offerings.
- Northeast Corner: Considered the most auspicious zone in Vastu, enhancing positive energy and promoting growth.