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Posted by himalaya rudraksh on

7 mukhi rudraksha

It should be worn by those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, finance and mental set-up. By wearing this man can progress in business and service and spends his life happily.

 It can help attain prosperity and peace of mind. It is considered very auspicious because it helps ward off fatal diseases and death and achieve longevity. This Rudraksh  also  symbolizes the seven great rishis. Wearer of this gets wealth, fame and spiritual knowledge.


Ruling God :-                                                    MAHALAKSHMI

Ruling Planet :–                                                   SATURN

Starsign/ Zodiac sign:-                    Capricorn/Makar , Aquarius/Kumbh

Beej Mantra: -                                                 Om Hum Namah:

Wearing Day:-                                                      Monday

We the  Himalaya Rudraksha Anusandhan Kendra are one of the most trusted Rudraksha wholesaler in India.
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  • It is true because I m wearing 7 Mukhi rudraksha

    Sibanarayan dash on

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